So for the first time here at Sports and Shit, The Esquire is gonna drop a little law knowledge on you. For those who haven't heard yet, Dwayne Wade's ex-wife, Siohvaughn Wade, has filed suit against Gabrielle Union on behalf of the Siohvaughn and Dwayne's two children. If you don't already know this, Union is a ridiculously hot actress as well as Wade's girlfriend of about a year and a half.

The suit filed in Cook County, Illinois (where Wade has a home) is frivolous to say the least. Or in non-legal terms, absolute fuckin' bullshit. I'm sure Wade's wife is a nice woman or whatever, but this bitch is nuts if she thinks that this case is ever gonna fly in court. Here is the story from ESPN:
As you can see from the story by the Associated Press, Wade's Ex is claiming that Union scarred the children by, pardon my french, blowing him in front of the kids. No way that happened. Dwayne wouldn't have done that.

Although it was funny to read. Not as funny as this excerpt though:
It also claims that the boys received "medium size gifts" from Dwyane Wade for Christmas last year, while Union got "the biggest gift of all."
Haha, I loved that part. As if it's a punishable crime to buy your girlfriend a bigger gift than you buy your children. You can't say Siohvaughn Wade isn't creative.

Nonetheless, in order to win a civil law suit, which this is, you have to show real damages. Not to mention the fact that there has to be a tortuous act involved. Breaking up a couple is obviously whorish, but not a tortuous act that one can be sued for. The only possible claim I can even dream up is intentional infliction of emotional distress. If that is the claim the Ex-Mrs. Wade is bringing on behalf of her children, she would have to prove that Union intentionally broke up the Wades' marriage in order to cause emotional damage to the children, that it was foreseeable that the kids would in fact become emotionally damaged, and that they did actually experience severe emotional damages. And even then it wouldn't be an easy case to win, and certainly not one I've ever heard of in court before. What this comes down to is that Siohvaughn Wade is probably furious that Gabrielle Union stole D-Wade from her and this was the way she thought she could get back at the two of them. I'm sure the kids are upset that their parents broke up, but I can't imagine that they are experiencing severe emotional damages because Union is now banging their father. It would be even harder to show that Union actually intended to cause them emotional damages even if they were experiencing any. And the intent is the biggest factor here. I would bet with absolute certainty that this case gets dismissed for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. Or again in English the judge would be saying, "There's no viable lawsuit here so get out of my courtroom and stop wasting my time."

But really, without sounding like a complete asshole, come on - who would you rather??

Yea, exactly what I thought. And so D-Wade lived happily ever after. At least sexually.

Just so you know that Dwayne Wade's kids who are so emotionally distraught to see there parents break up are 8 and 2 years old. Brief update on the story: Siohvaughn Wade's best friend was called into questioning in this case and admitted that Siohvaughn was actually cheating and had attempted to harm Dwayne. Sorry Siohvaughn but be happy he stayed with you crazy azz for this long!