Sunday, April 18, 2010

They're Too Cool

If you haven't seen this yet you gotta check it out. They have to be the coolest couple in the world. My girlfriend thoroughly agrees. Oh and real quick I want to thank everyone who helped me get to 485 hits for my first week. Really 9 days. Whatever. If you like what you read and see here please pass it along to anyone and everyone. Look for a weekly update tomorrow and then my NFL Draft Column (by far my best yet) early this week. 

That shit made me think of some of my recent favorite live performances. These two were both from the 2009 Grammy's. Fast forward to about the 50 second mark on the first one

This one was the best performance from the 2010 Grammy's I thought

These last couple were my favorite American Idol Performances this season so far. Yes, you know you watch it too

Fast forward to the 28 second mark if you just want to see her sing

Fast forward to the 45 second mark on this one

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